Tuesday, September 25, 2012


A couple mornings ago while I was driving to work, I encountered something that made me stop and think. I pulled up behind four or five cars at a stop sign and mindlessly waited for my turn to cross at the intersection. After a minute or so, I realized we weren't moving forward at all. I glanced around looking for the hold-up and saw that an elderly man's pick-up had died and he couldn't get it to start or move it. People drove right around him and continued on their way, too busy and preoccupied to stop and help. Frustrated by the fact that dozens of people with capable arms and legs passed him by without even a glance, I pulled alongside of him and asked if I could help. He sighed in relief and said yes. It took me maybe two minutes to help him push his vehicle to the side of the road; barely an inconvenience. He graciously thanked me and I went on with the rest of my day.

Coincidentally, that same day as I was driving home from work I saw another broken-down car with its owner struggling to push it to the side of the road. Feeling like a Good Samaritan, I pulled up to offer my assistance, wondering how many people had passed by this poor guy as well. But before I even had my window half way down the man aggressively waved his arms to signal me to keep going. He rolled his eyes when I asked if I could help him and acted very annoyed by the fact that I wanted to help. Feeling a tad surprised and offended by his reaction I awkwardly rolled my window back up and slowly pulled away. I considered multiple reasons why he acted the way he did. Maybe he didn't want to be helped by a girl. Maybe he was intimidated by my big muscles. Either way, he was obviously not interested in taking my help.

Both men were in similar situations. They both had faulty vehicles. There were two totally and completely different outcomes though. I had no idea what the outcome of each situation would be, but I could see that if I didn't stop and help, that no one would.  It is my responsibility to be available and selfless. I purpose my every single day to give. I in no way can control how people are going to react though. It's not my job to make sure they accept acts of kindness, but it is my job to be faithful to respond to needs.

Of course, it feels much better when they respond with gratitude and happiness, but ultimately that isn't why I do it. 

There are people surrounding me every single day that need help. It is my job to simply extend the hand of Christ and show them the same love that He has shown us. Sure, there will be people who turn away, laugh and mock but I am not to become discouraged or disheartened. I will remain faithful in genuine compassion and love from Jesus and God will handle the rest.

Monday, September 10, 2012

One Trip

So I have this issue...I wouldn't consider it to be a serious one, but nevertheless it could be classified as a slight disorder. Every time I am taking things out of my car to bring inside I absolutely have to carry it all in one trip. Whether I am hauling in groceries, books, or most commonly, coffee cups, I have to strategically pile and balance the contents of my car in my arms . The thought of taking two trips is appalling and completely out of the question.

I have this almost down to an art. I will have multiple grocery bags hanging from my arms and at least one bag per finger. You can imagine how ridiculous this may look as I have to dig through my purse to find my keys and then attempt to unlock the front door. Yes, it makes so much more sense to take two trips, it may even save time too, but I somehow think I am capable.

This may be the competitive side of me coming out in a weird way but I'm realizing that it shows up in other areas of life as well. I am currently finding myself in a season that I am ready to be out of. I want to move on as quickly as possible and onto the next season. God uses tests, trials and hard times to build our character, which is never really a fun time. It is completely against my personal nature to revisit and return to things that I feel like I am already adequate in. God so often shows me things that I need to work on and I have to humbly face them. I naturally want to be out of a time of testing but I am learning to cherish these seasons for what they are, rather than rushing out of them and not allowing God to fully work out in me what He desires. I am learning that it is ok to go back for a second trip and surrender my time until God allows me to move on. I am focusing and working on my weaknesses; however long that may take.

God also wants to carry things for me. He doesn't like to see me struggling to carry the weight of my life. I was never built to bear these burdens. I am reminded that Jesus is ever-present to takeover the weights, struggles and pains in the very moment I decide to give them to him. Without delay or hesitation He takes them all. This is a season where I find myself taking day-by-day to draw closer to Him.

With that being said, I am still willing to dislocate my shoulder to only take in one trip from the car. No coffee cup left behind!